Room 106

ROOM 106

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The world is changing, but how current internal audi...

Jornadas Europeas de Auditoría Interna 2018 and 1 more

Juan Mazarredo and 1 more


Leading the game: The BBVA experience as a data driv...

Jornadas Europeas de Auditoría Interna 2018 and 1 more

Luis San Román


How BIG DATA made world leaders resign: The Panama a...

Jornadas Europeas de Auditoría Interna 2018 and 1 more

Mar Cabra

4 October
The world is changing, but how current internal audit practices are responding to this new norm?

Dynamic risk assessment, a new vision of risk
Preventing fraud rather than correct, using forensic technology

Juan Mazarredo (Forensic Director at KPMG Spain)

Juan Mazarredo has worked in KPMG's Forensic practice since 2007 and has over 14 years' experience in audit and forensic services, and currently acts as Forensic Director at KPMG Spain.

Juan Mazarredo (Forensic Director at KPMG Spain) More info
Andries Terblanche (Global Dynamic Risk Assessment Lead, Second Partner at KPMG UK)

Andries Terblanché is the Global Lead of Dynamic Risk Assessment, which he spent 12 years developing and is now scaling for implementation across KPMG’s network of member firms.

Andries Terblanche (Global Dynamic Risk Assessment Lead, Second Partner at KPMG UK) More info

The world is changing, but how current internal audi...

Jornadas Europeas de Auditoría Interna 2018 and 1 more

Juan Mazarredo and 1 more

The world is changing, but how current internal audit practices are responding to this new norm?
GDPR – What does the new European regulation mean for internal audit departments?

With the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) becoming effective on May 25, 2018, several internal audit departments have been wondering whether they have taken the right steps to make their internal audit procedures compliant. Similarly, they have been questioning whether they choose the right topics during internal audit fieldwork to check for company compliance.

Frank Honold (Head of Corporate IT Audit at BMW AG)

Dr. Frank Honold is the Head of Corporate IT Audit at BMW AG, Munich, since 2010. He is also Head of the DIIR working group on Internal Audit and Data Privacy (DIIR is the German IAA chapter).

Frank Honold (Head of Corporate IT Audit at BMW AG) More info
GDPR – What does the new European regulation mean for internal audit departments?
Leading the game: The BBVA experience as a data driven department

No doubt. We have entered in the age of data. Digitization has put us squarely.
- The proportion of digital customers has increased exponentially in recent years. In Spain, digital transactions have reached 42%.
- A new category of technology is rising: AI or machine learning are transforming many industries.

Luis San Román (Head of Digital & IT, processes. BBVA)

Luis has a degree in physical sciences (University of Salamanca). He has more than 20 years of experience. He began his professional career joining innovation projects in the fields of internet and data.

Luis San Román (Head of Digital & IT, processes. BBVA) More info

Leading the game: The BBVA experience as a data driv...

Jornadas Europeas de Auditoría Interna 2018 and 1 more

Luis San Román

Leading the game: The BBVA experience as a data driven department
How BIG DATA made world leaders resign: The Panama and Padadise papers

Data is getting to journalists at a massive scale due to electronic leaks. Recent examples are the Panama and the Paradise Papers investigations, which amounted to four terabytes and 25 million files made available securely in the cloud to hundreds of reporters using open-source software. In this session, learn the inside story of these cross-border collaborative projects. The exposés had unprecedented impact with high-level resignations and opened more than 150 investigations in 79 countries. They also won more than a dozen awards, including the highest recognition in journalism, the Pulitzer Prize.

Mar Cabra (Former Head of data and technology at International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ)) More info

How BIG DATA made world leaders resign: The Panama a...

Jornadas Europeas de Auditoría Interna 2018 and 1 more

Mar Cabra

How BIG DATA made world leaders resign: The Panama and Padadise papers

